Rigging Workshops & Tutorials

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Rigging In Maya: Biped
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Rigging In Maya: Quadruped
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  • Advanced Twist Controls

    Advanced Twist Controls

    What I want to do with this video is go over how to setup and use Mayas Advanced Twist Tools which are found on the SplineIK handle.

  • Offset Parent Matrix Basics

    Offset Parent Matrix Basics

    With Maya 2020, Autodesk gave us a whole suite of new rigging attributes and nodes to help make our rigs more economical, and powerful.

    One of these is the offsetParentMatrix attribute which in short, offers another level on top of the main transforms meaning we can finally remove the need for all the offset groups that bloat our rigs.

    There is obviously so much more to them, but in this video we will go over the basics of how to use them with a joint chain.

  • How Do I Build a Scalable UI Using Python?

    How Do I Build a Scalable UI Using Python?

    I recently finished working through a series of videos where I introduced you to Python. This was part of the main, Rigging In Maya series and helped us to create an automatic quadruped rigging tool.

    Even though I covered lots of areas of scripting, I didn’t get the opportunity to finish the script off and give it a proper user interface.

    So what I want to do in this video is take the script and rectify that by showing you how to build a scalable user interface while also making the tool more flexible.

  • How Do I Use antCGi's Ribbon Creation Tool?

    How Do I Use antCGi's Ribbon Creation Tool?

    With the release of version 2 of my ribbon creation tool I thought I would include a short video showing you how to use it.

    It’s getting quite big now, so I hope this short tutorial will help you get the best from it.

    If you don’t have this script yet, you can download it as part of the rewards if you are an antCGI Club member, or its available, like many of my other scripts and assets from my Cubebrush, Ko-Fi, Gumroad and Artstation stores.

  • How Do I Build a Quadruped Rig?

    How Do I Build a Quadruped Rig?

    I’ve been doing a lot of research lately into quadruped limbs, mainly because I’m working on a full canine rig as part of my Rigging In Maya series.

    There are a handful of different approaches to this type of rig, so I thought I’d share a few with you while also discussing the pro’s and cons of each. Plus, I’ll show which is my personal favourite, and the one I will be using as the base for my course.

    Hopefully, demonstrating how to build each will also help when you are choosing the right approach for your own rigs.

  • How Do I Improve My Topology And Retopology?

    How Do I Improve My Topology And Retopology?

    In this tutorial I want to talk about an often-overlooked area of 3D modelling and that’s your models #topology.

    What I want to do is have a look at some ways you can improve your topology while also sharing a few techniques for quickly retopologizing your models.

  • How Do I Fix My Broken Blendshapes?

    How Do I Fix My Broken Blendshapes?

    In this tutorial, I show you how to quickly fix the issue where your blendshapes won't follow a joint.

  • How Do I Mirror My Joints And Controls?

    How Do I Mirror My Joints And Controls?

    In this tutorial, I share a few ways to quickly mirror your joints and controls from one side of your rig to the other using Maya. I also demonstrate how to create some basic scripts to help with this and future tasks.

  • How Do I Easily Match My IK & FK Limbs?

    How Do I Easily Match My IK & FK Limbs?

    In this Maya tutorial, I share a quick and easy way to match your IK and FK limbs, without the need for any complicated script writing.

  • How Do I Understand Maya's Nodes & Node Editor?

    How Do I Understand Maya's Nodes & Node Editor?

    In this Maya tutorial, I attempt to explain what the Node Editor is, and demonstrate how to use it as well as show you how to use a few of my favourite Utility Nodes.

  • How Do I UV Map a Head?

    How Do I UV Map a Head?

    In this Maya tutorial, I show you how to use Maya's UV tools to apply UV mapping to a head model and then edit it to get the best possible layout.

  • How Do I Stop Elbow Movement When Blending Between IK & FK?

    How Do I Stop Elbow Movement When Blending Between IK & FK?

    In this Maya tutorial, I show you how to stop your elbow or knee from moving when blending between IK and FK. This often happens when you've added a pole vector constraint and then moved the control back, causing an offset.

  • How Do I Change My Attribute Order and Type?

    How Do I Change My Attribute Order and Type?

    In this Maya tutorial, I show you how you can alter the order of your #attributes, and also change the type. Quickly and easily.

  • How Do I Transfer Skin Weights?

    How Do I Transfer Skin Weights?

    In this Maya tutorial, I show you a few ways to speed up your skin painting workflow. First I demonstrate how to add another model to the same rig and transfer the skin weights across, and then I show you how to copy the skin weights to a different rig, giving you a quick way to jump start your skinning on any model.